Venio Systems Announces eDiscovery Ingestion and Processing Capability of All Major Business Chat Volume with the Addition of Microsoft Teams
Fairfax VA.: Venio Systems, a Virginia-based company, today announced a significant milestone of ingesting and processing chat-based communications in eDiscovery with the addition of Microsoft Teams. This development addresses the issue many companies face with the dramatic rise in the volume and complexity of chat-driven information.
As live chat supplants email communications, corporations, law firms, and legal service providers face difficulties in processing such information, resulting in delays, increased expenses, and other concerns. The issue is expected to become more central to eDiscovery, with the volume of live chat expected to grow by 87% in the next 12 to 18 months. That will fuel the exponential growth in information driven by chat, including text, images, videos, URLs, spreadsheets, and legal documents.
“We are committed to processing all the modern collaboration tools available today,” Ankur Agarwal, Venio Systems’ VP of Products, said. “Venio Systems already supports Slack, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter. Our addition of Microsoft Teams ensures we stay ahead in this constantly expanding communications segment. Microsoft products are so popular and effective in the corporate segment of the market that more and more data comes through them every day. Companies have expressed a need for that data to be evaluated during the eDiscovery process, and Venio Systems is determined to serve that need.”
With Venio’s addition of Microsoft Teams, forensics analysts no longer need specialty viewers or third-party tools to examine this data and make it a valuable resource in the eDiscovery process. Other companies charge extra for these tools because handling chat is not part of most native tool sets. This unfortunately means learning a different application, inconsistent user interface and added cost.
Venio Systems continues to add new capabilities and technology support to its eDiscovery platforms on a monthly basis to stay ahead of the technology curve, where new types of communication files continue to be utilized. And, as always, Venio clients can count upon the quality, reliability, and accuracy of their eDiscovery data.
To learn more about Venio Systems and how its capabilities can help your company make better use of its chat-based communications, click this link.