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Fairfax VA: Venio Systemsthe leading provider of eDiscovery software, is announcing significant improvements to Venio Legal Hold, one of its key offerings to save hundreds of hours of time of some of the most valuable resources including Litigation Directors, eDiscovery professionals, and IT staff responsible for creating, scheduling, and tracking hold notifications across multiple cases, geographies, and custodians.

Enhanced Automation in Legal Hold with Venio v9.1

In a typical litigation, hold notifications may be sent to hundreds of custodians who might possess potentially relevant ESI. As legal teams uncover more facts, the list of custodians can evolve as in many cases new custodians may have to be added to the hold while others are removed from it. Organizations looking to manage these complexities face considerable challenges, including:

  • Identification of all custodians, including those who may no longer be with the company, 3rd party contractors, and even your Cloud providers
  • The ever present threat of overlooking key custodians, misspelled names, and incorrect email addresses
  • Technical issues with connecting to new and varied data sources like Microsoft Office 365 and Teams, Zoom, Slack, and others 
  • Complex, ineffectual, or missing reports and dashboard to view and monitor hold progress and analytics for better decision making 


Venio Systems’ release 9.1 solves these problems by automating notifications, enhanced Venio Legal Hold by integrating automation and scheduling custodian notifications. Additionally, it delivered reports and dashboards for easy tracking of the legal hold process. With v9.1, Litigation Directors can now eliminate repetitive manual tasks and handle more important activities while ensuring that proper notifications and reminders are delivered to custodians. With new reporting capabilities, eDiscovery professionals can easily  track, download, and report on questionnaires to get critical insights into the depth of knowledge that custodians have during the legal hold process. 


“Legal Hold by its nature is a tedious task — It is a manual, error prone, and time consuming process,” said Ankur Agarwal, Venio Systems’ VP of Products. “An effective legal hold program can instantly provide the current status of any custodian under legal hold as well as automate manual recurring tasks, record acknowledgements and report on questionnaire results. These simple requirements give back hundreds of hours of employee time and ensure accurate defensible legal hold notifications removing any risk of noncompliance”.   


To learn how Venio Legal Hold can help your company, click this link .