We proudly graduated another group of VenioOne eDiscovery Software Certified Administrators on Friday, 15 September 2017 after two days of intensive training and a two-hour comprehensive examination. These administrators, a multi-national collection of users from organizations within our Trusted Partner program, demonstrated an advanced level of knowledge, skill, and proficiency in our VenioOne Unified eDiscovery software platform.
The Venio Team Develops Partner-Centric Training
Based on discussions and customer listening, we developed our training and update it on a regular basis to ensure our clients have the latest insights and support to get the most out of the VenioOne eDiscovery Software platform. It is important that the training is effective and helpful for individuals that are new as well as more advanced users. Here are a few comments from the attendees at the September 2017 Certified Administrators Workshops:
“I have not used VenioOne in the past, so everything was very helpful.”
“Getting exposure to the back-end functionality was fantastic”
Where to put the Venio eDiscovery Software Certified Logo?
After attending the training, as a Certified Administrator, individuals can add the certification to their LinkedIn profile and companies can put the VenioOne Certified Partner logo on their website.

VenioOne Certified Administrators Curriculum
- Permissions and Access Rights for Users and Groups
- Project Processing Settings and Template Creation
- State-of-the-Art Methodologies for Early Case Assessment, File Filtering, Data Ingestion and eDiscovery Processing
- Maximize VenioOne Throughput, Efficiency and Defensibility via Automation Templates and System Tools
- Advanced Search, Data Culling and Data Organization
- Interface Customization and Security
- Streamlined Review and Reviewer Training
- Creation and Management of Document Review Sets, Redaction Sets and Workflow
- Advance Email Analytics
- Predictive Coding, Technology Assisted Review and Data Sampling
- Imaging, Export and Production Customization
Our Next VenioOne Certified eDiscovery Software Administrators Workshop Will Be Held In January 2018
Why should you, or your staff, attend one of our workshops? Beyond the depth of knowledge, they will assimilate (as noted above), the overwhelming percentage of attendees have been “Very Satisfied” with their training experience and felt that it enhanced their skills. Please contact info@veniosystems.com for details on the next workshop.
Testimonial from our January 2017 Training
“As a Director, I don’t often have hands-on use of the VenioOne ediscovery software. Attending the VenioOne Admin Certification training gave me a greater understanding of the tool which will allow me to provide better service to our clients.” – Greg Daily, Chief Security Officer, Director – Legal Technology, OPTiMO Information Technology