UHY Advisors Delivers Early Case Assessment Quickly and at a Lower Cost Using New Venio First Pass Review (FPR) Software
UHY Advisors eDiscovery Professionals Deliver Early Case Assessment Quickly and at a Lower Cost Using New Venio First Pass Review (FPR) Software
UHY Combines eDiscovery Expertise with Venio FPR™ to Provide Investigative Technology and Analysis to Quickly Identify Risk
Houston, TX (I-Newswire) February 25, 2012 – Houston – UHY Advisors eDiscovery and Digital Forensics Practice Group has selected Venio First Pass Review (FPR) software that gives clients a low-cost solution that allows for quick, comprehensive review of data as early as 24 hours from the start of a project for eDiscovery professionals.
As a new hosting partner for the Venio FPR software, UHY’s eDiscovery professionals and their clients can quickly process, analyze and review a client’s data collection, giving users the ability to identify key documents prior to a full-scale linear document review.
“Our group has decided to partner with Venio FPR due to its innovative and scalable approach to cull, slice and view large volumes of data in a defensible manner,” said Eric Shirk, Principal and Technical Consultant in UHY’s eDiscovery and Digital Forensics Practice Group. “By using UHY as a hosting partner for Venio FPR, law firms and corporations have the ability to conduct tiered discovery, investigations and document reviews without incurring large processing and review costs at the start of a case.”
“Venio is proud to partner with such a strong leader like UHY Advisors FLVS Inc.,” said Chris Jurkiewicz, Co-Founder of Venio Systems. “UHY is a premier eDiscovery and Digital Forensics firm that chose us after extensive vetting, and we are excited to start what we expect will be a long and fruitful partnership.”
With extensive document review experience, UHY’s eDiscovery team uses Venio’s software to filter, cull, search, conduct a first pass review, process and analyze data all in the same web-based application, and with remote internet access. It quickly loads and indexes data in a centralized web-based repository.
UHY’s national consulting team specializes in identifying, collecting, processing, analyzing and reviewing data efficiently and cost effectively for complex matters such as securities fraud, U.S. Department of Justice inquiries, government risk and compliance, internal investigations, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, intellectual property theft, computer crimes, health care fraud, labor and employment litigations, and other engagements involving multifaceted layers of information.
Venio FPR is the only fully web-based option in the Early Case Assessment (ECA) market and is preferred by users for its intuitive web interface, interactive dashboard and social networking functionalities. The visual analytics include complete custodial network mapping and email conversation threading. The platform supports over 500 file types, 78 languages and allows for full native exports to any industry standard litigation support and review application.
Visit www.uhyadvisors-us.com/ediscovery for more information.
UHY Advisors’ FLVS Group is a national consulting practice that has been successfully working with law firms and in-house law departments for more than 30 years to deliver a comprehensive package of services in litigation consulting, eDiscovery and digital forensics, fraud and forensic services and business valuation.
UHY Advisors, Inc. and its subsidiary entities have nearly 1,000 eDiscovery professionals providing services throughout the United States. UHY Advisors is ranked as one of the Top 20 professional services firms providing tax and business consulting in the country by Accounting Today. Attest services are performed through an alternative practice structure with UHY LLP, a licensed CPA firm. UHY Advisors, Inc. and UHY LLP are U.S. members of Urbach Hacker Young International Limited, a UK company, and form part of the international UHY network of legally independent accounting and consulting firms. For additional information on eDiscovery services, please visit their website at www.uhyadvisors-us.com/ediscovery.
UHY Firm Contacts:
Houston, Dallas
Eric Shirk
P: 713.407.3173
E: eshirk@uhy-us.com
Atlanta, Birmingham
Jeff Moynihan
P: 404.310.3922
E: jmoynihan@uhy-us.com
Washington, D.C., New York City, San Francisco
Jackie Flynn
P: 202.609.6231
E: jflynn@uhy-us.com
Chicago, Minneapolis
Shane Arett
P: 312-416-4082
E: sarett@uhy-us.com
Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Cleveland
Justin Lamanna
P: 412.807.1993
E: jlamanna@uhy-us.com
Wilmington, Delaware
Douglas Herman
P: 312.416.4140
E: douglash@uhy-us.com
About UHY Advisors:
Tax and business consulting firm
Company Contact Information
UHY Advisors
Becky Myers
Phone : 281-239-6144